For Marxists, Liberals, and Other Dogs
The Unique and its Property: Abridged
I would hate to establish myself as an authority on Stirner’s “Unique…”, and given circumstance I am not even able to dissect this work as much as it would please me to do. Everything expounded on here is my interpretation, and though I have spent considerable time with the text and can likely kick off your own study or interest of it…I am All-Too Human. It is a long work, especially for those with no taste for intellectual work, sarcasm, and double meanings. I did this for my own enjoyment, and would be betraying my sediment to not do as such. This is my favorite book, I invite discussion on it. I likely miss the mark at times – let’s hope I capture the spirit.
I am going through the entirety of this book, to both the best of my ability and this medium. More comes to surface every re-read, even today.
What You Can Expect
summaries to the best of my ability, of each section.
various passages and quotes I’ve elected to highlight, and my commentary where appropriate.
some pictures
What Won’t Be Here
the entire book
You can find the book on, it is freely pirateable. I recommend Wolfi’s intro, it details some of the idiosyncrasies very well. It is an old and oft misunderstood piece. Many words do not have their traditional meaning, or are used to mean multiple things at the same time. You get more used to it the more familiar the text becomes. I will just recommend reading sections on your own at times – sorry.
“I have based my affair on nothing”
This is Stirner’s introduction to his book, it’s relatively short (2 pages) and is the essence of the book. [Only my own cause…only thinks of himself! pg. 1] Stirner is aware, almost overly, of what society would ask of him – to be self-less. [But we, we are…’serve a higher cause.’ pg. 1] We are supposed to be a ‘drop in the bucket,’ our affair to be annihilated by the greater. [The patriots fall in…’blossoming nation.’ pg. 2] Nationalism treats the individual, even duped servants, as literal filth, to build the shitpile ‘nation.’ [Try just once to…trip to his jail. pg. 2] The State wants to possess you, to the point of violence enacted on those who defy the State. [Which good, which bad?…any sense to me. pg. 2] As we will come to learn, morals are another ‘greater,’ a God, in short – religion. [For me, there…greater than me! pg. 2] Daddy telling it like it is – preach.
Part 1: Humanity
The first part of this book touches on, mostly, what-is. Stirner airs some of his grievances and arguments against religion.
Chapter 1: A Human Life
Another brief section (5 pages), Stirner largely talks about growing up and the development of mind, of becoming spirit, and eventually egoist. [Before the things that…withdraw, but take courage. pg. 5] As one develops mindset they begin to actually confront the world and not merely be scared by it. [Only now do we…only started at it. pg. 6] I do like this quote absent of context, in the broader sense, but Stirner behooves us to acknowledge that prior to our development of mind, we did little more with our world than stare at it. [“That is unreasonable, un-christian…us away from it. pg. 7] We are ruled by our conscience, our ideas, before we’re scared of consequence. [But with that, I,…and feel my emptiness pg. 8] As we understand things, even ourself as human (and this is of special note), the spirit of the thing has its legs kicked out by the perfect spirit, this other and un-own. We begin to feel hopeless at the unattainable; the human being. [And now I take…relate everything to myself. pg 10] As Stirner casts aside these spirits and takes ownership of his mind, his thoughts – the world is his, in all senses of the term property; his life revolves around him.
Section 2: Human Beings of Ancient and Modern Times
Literally a paragraph, an intro for this incoming ahistorical mockery of Hegel. Stirner is a fan of laughing in one’s face, and this adds an air of – seriousness, certainly.
2.1 The Ancients
A very sarcasm-laced detailing of Pre-christian history. Stirner touches on a lot, from the Stoics to the Epicureans, and a lot of it relates to spirit – spiritual freedom. Christianity radically changed the world, what was valued or sought after. [We are quite familiar…he is – the christian pg. 13] Stirner obviously holds christianity in contempt, and may be alluding to what is to come with the following sentence, questioning whether Jesus will be surpassed. [But to serve the…is – to be moral. pg 15] And in serving the good cause, one is not serving themself. [One who feels himself…for his “dear life.” pg 17-18] Stirner addresses how christians deal with their sorry existence; the sentence before this quote on the ancients’ sharpness and depth of perception being as far as Earth is from heaven, compared to christians, speaks to his disdain for the pious nihilism.
2.2 The Moderns
A detailing of aspects of the Reformation, humanism, the growth of the human spirit, or the human being as only spirit. Stirner is further developing this argument, one we will see throughout the phantasmbook [The spirit which, …improvement of the world pg. 23] Here Stirner talks of the spirit as something separate from anything worldly; essence. The spirit is concerned with the spiritual, holding the world in contempt. To the spirit, we are ‘the shitpile.’
2.2.1 The Spirit
Detailed expounding on the spirit, in a relatively small section (4 pages). There’s a lot of wordplay going on with the word spirit, and Stirner’s atheism really shines. Be mindful that ‘essence [of]’ and ‘spirit’ interplay here. [This its creations make…they are its world. pg. 24-25] Spirits create themselves, and in doing so form the world they live in. [Despite your atheism, you…your zeal against egoism. pg 26] The obsession with spirit turns even atheists against egoism. [A good patriot, for…fatherland and no patriotism. pg. 26] Patriotism is religion. [You carry your knightly…the spirits, i.e., ideas. pg. 26] The spirit is truth.
2.2.2 The Possessed
Stirner describes the spiritual world, one where the sacred rules: the human being, your essence. There is nothing greater or supreme, être suprême, but many will fight over this idea of a highest essence. [Have you ever seen…the existence of spirits. pg. 29] A good example of Stirner’s playful sarcasm, who wouldn’t trust their grandmother? [If even in a…true well-being, something “sacred.” pg. 31-32] And if you take just one sacred interest to heart, it will rule you. [Sacred things exist only…him the involuntary egoist. pg. 32] Are you really serving yourself, seeking exaltation? Partially, hence Stirner’s choice of involuntary egoism. [Every higher essence, like…an essence over us pg. 33] These essences mean we do not act in our own interest. [The atheists carry on…and – held as sacred? pg. 33] The sacred is not us, even should you be its creator. It is – higher. [And as divine revelations…through “true human beings.” pg. 33-34] Those who outline what humanity aught be, the human being, gift us this elevation through true human beings. [If one smiles compassionately…the most devout christian. pg. 34] Laughing in the face of those who would argue truth of the highest essence appears to be Stirner’s goal, with the sarcastic closing sentence accomplishing just that: [So in the foremost…our “holy faith.” pg. 34] The Phantasm
In taking the highest essence, an existence of it, as truth, assumption, this phantasm has been allowed to create itself – by haunting the individual. [Behind the existent world…they sought the absurdity. pg. 35] Stirner is amazed at this quest others have undertaken, for the thing-in-itself, the highest essence. [The essence of the…world essence (world activity). pg. 35] In looking for this essence, this truth, those who believe in ghosts see the world as marvelous — if we are to believe Stirner, this world essence is little more than vanity, a deception as to its true appearance. [To recognize and acknowledge…essences, phantasms, and ghosts. pg. 36] There are ghosts all around those who are still possessed, must we do away with them to become our own? [From now on the…himself, he frightens himself. pg. 36] In making one’s new God the human being, in the phantasm laying claim to one’s own person, one is — spirit. [If I didn’t see…have to respect you? pg. 36] Religion is the sole decider in one’s respect for other’s autonomy. [The people is a…spirit of the people. pg. 37] Much like humanity, which perhaps an almost direct parallel could be drawn, one is called to serve the people, or to be represented by this spirit, to the deficit of the individual. [If I embrace and…because it is you. pg. 37] I love you. [A ghost in every corner! pg. 37] Spirits are everywhere, haunting everything. [For example, above all…etc., etc., are sacred. pg. 38] Long live the King! Bats in the Belfry
Thankfully, we cannot tell Stirner, due to subdivisioning and subsectioning: “You have one too many chapters!” Stirner attacks any and all fixed ideas as a bat in the belfry, from morals to monogamy, from humanity to Law, even reason — you are possessed by spirits. [Man, your head is…bats in your belfry! pg. 38] “[The] phrase implies having unnecessary and excessive things in your head” Wolf; footnote 25. [You have a fixed idea! pg. 38] A sacred idea. [Isn’t all the foolish…such a vast space? pg. 38] Most of the world is possessed by spirits, their freedom is only the appearance. [But I do not…my brothers are arch-fools. pg. 39] My brothers have fixed ideas. [Yes, the “fixed idea”…is truly the sacred. pg. 39] Yeah. [As much as he…namely a moral christian. pg. 40] This is similar to Nietzsche’s trashing of 3/4th christians, those pious atheists. [The stigma of “crime”…of corrections, in prisons. pg. 41] As I do. [Moral faith is as fanatical as religious faith! pg. 41] Try to challenge the moralist’s views on theft, property. [“Truth, morality, right, light…be and remain “sacred.” pg. 41] Like the presumptive existence of (a) God. [In the end the…a religious snake-skin. pg. 42] Morals are religion, perhaps Jesus has been surpassed? [To expel God from…divine is truly human! pg. 43] We clearly must finish robbing God; by dispelling the essence? [The same people who…the sacred, a “hierarchy.” pg. 43] Morals are hierarchy — whose morals? [And what today is not called religion? pg. 43] Just about everything is religion, yeah. [Now we are so…by “oath of office.” pg. 44] I can attest, though I forewent trial for good reason. [In the law of…himself to be moral. pg. 44-45] The human being fills the same role God did, in making Law. [Based on the principle…which realized the good. pg. 45] In this way, legal murder exists — the State can kill, for the good cause, but heavens forbid I, or any individual, murder. [Aren’t you familiar with…”legal” and sanctioned one? pg. 45] Death row, the death penalty, street execution, the guillotine. [So you admit that…nothing other than loyalty. pg. 45] Good is in the eye of the beholder. [Why don’t certain opposition movements flourish? pg. 46] Anarchy, even? Merely for the reason that they don’t want to leave the path of morality or legality. [In the moral relationship…other wills the opposite. pg. 46] Two Will to Powers butt heads. [No, it must sacrifice…the law of morality. pg. 46] One gives up their will to be a servant of morality. [Just get together with a servile loyalist, you liberals. pg. 47] Seriously. [And then these same…act of the rebel. pg. 47-48] People don’t like being obedient, moral subjects as much as they appear to, no? The immoral rebel is cheered for. [The good couldn’t have…neither of the two. pg. 48] Transgress morals and become your insurrection. [The rough fist of…of egoism utterly ruthlessly. pg. 48] My confinement an obvious example. [The moral person is…than the “moral” person. pg. 49] Morals are absolute, fixed, sacred, and God help the immoral. [Morality looks quite different…the only authoritative power. pg. 50] Take the assertion to not kill, presented via biblical ‘thou shalt’ and juxtaposed to legal statutes and whatnot. [Because this morality perfected…on its own account. pg. 51] As it has. [If morality had conquered…of masters has occurred. pg. 51] Morality is a new master, ruler. [It is just a new — religion. pg. 52] [Haven’t the shamelessness and…measure and all expectations? pg. 53] Whatever is sacred is truth — morals. [You are supposed to…to seek your benefit. pg. 53] Stirner is talking of calls to altruism here, you may take it more broadly, I do recommend the surrounding passes for his broader view on altruism. [He listens only to…gags the lawless word pg. 57] The possessed are ruled by these spirits. [For both, the spirit…appointed governor is entitled. pg. 57] Both liberal and anti-liberal extol the spirit. [That an absolute existed…recognizing and depicting it. pg. 58] The absolute is sacred. [Who would never have…shudder, …and soon. pg. 58] We are molded, shaped — conditioned. [Young people are mature…are declared of age. pg. 58-59] Outside the jokes to be made of twitter; one matures when they act as tradition demands.
2.3 The Hierarchy
Here are present some of the most egregious terms, as Stirner furthers his mockery of Hegel’s own worldview. Wolf describes this well, you can refer to his intro if you’d like. Of note, as I am a pessimist, that references to ‘Chinese’ or ‘Japanese’ are stand-ins for ‘German’ to evade censorship of Stirner’s time. This section furthers the overarching argument present in the text: what is sacred rules you. [My worth cannot possibly…God and the world. pg. 60] How can I shine next to a diamond like God, humanity? [Through the heaven of…break its hostile power. pg. 62] Civilization’s protections are a farce. [Before the sacred, people…and humbly toward it. pg. 64] One needs to be subservient to the sacred, and as Stirner further explains: what is sacred is so by our decision, my bending the knee, not innately. [Hierarchy is the rule…rule of the spirit! pg. 66] A bold statement, in line with the overall text and the prior passage challenging the assumption humans must be religious, moral. [The most oppressive phantasm is the human being. pg. 67] Why create a spirit, a fixed idea of what being human is, to chase after? To oppress humans, clearly. I alone am I, I am — unique. [There is even no…upon as his calling. pg. 69] Our existence is riddled with sacred ideas that would demand I lie prostrate to them. [The human is indeed not a person, but a ideal, a phantasm. pg. 71] [Yes, yes, in time…drummed, rammed, and preached. pg. 74] I would prefer something else rammed me than the truth; morals are good. [If you no longer…tales find no — belief. pg. 74] Stirner holds our fear of ghosts is taught, by those afraid we’d otherwise be good-for-nothings. If you can’t make someone afraid, then you don’t control them (belief). [The heaven of the…being is thought — spirit. pg. 77] Mockery of Descartes and Luther; cogito, ergo sum. [This despotism only gets…becomes nothing to me. pg. 80] Family is sacred and must be disposed of. [The spy and lookout…conscience, I.e., a police matter. pg. 82] Our morals rule our thoughts — one is ashamed at their own thoughts. [No means are holy…makes the means sacred. pg. 84] The church stops at nothing to uphold itself, not even regicide as Stirner then highlights. [When I had raised…under lock and key pg. 86] Daddy turns the tables uWu. [But as people separated…concepts are to rule. pg. 88] You value yourself less than you ought with this relative assessment to humanity. [World history has dealt…that “being light-fingered”! pg. 89] One must respect their paltry freedom. [When you devour the…you are rid of it! pg. 90]
Section 3: The Free
This 3.4 with post-script section surmises Stirner’s views on, quite obviously, the bourgeoisie, the State, the Monarchs, socialists and communists, and humanists. Stirner simply hates liberals.
3.1 Political Liberalism “Bourgeois Society”
[Our sticking together is…together are the nation. pg. 93] Further said here is the mutual respect, possession by the spirit of the human being. [Anything inhuman or “egoistic”…”egoism pursues its essence.” pg. 94] Here Stirner begins to talk of the division in society, between one’s private matters and the nation. [The true human being…is always an egoist. pg. 94] The bourgeoisie say a lot. [One must act with…it lives in me. pg. 95] The state alienates you from your own — self-interest. [By the way, here…has power has right. pg. 96] The government has power, therefore it is right. [The monarch in the…monarch, the sovereign nation.” pg. 96] Really, not much has changed for the egoist, rather nothing in a better way. [What was longed for…permission nothing is authorized. pg. 96-97] The King’s right is more absolute than ever. [If one called it…measure it by that. pg. 97] Here Stirner toys with the matter of truly negating right, that one must not merely make a new right, but “[eliminate] the whole concept of right.” [It fought against the…people in constitutional states. pg. 99] Does the new aristocracy yet seem silly? [But if the deserving…a load of nonsense! pg. 99] [No “more rational” people…servants of the State. pg. 99] Obedience is good, much like my dog would do good to obey. [With the time of…anarchy, lawlessness, oneness. pg. 100] A good description of bourgeois society, and a concise argument for anarchy, with merely describing it concisely. [If the welfare of…that is useful to it. pg. 101] Nothing is, in-and-of-itself, immoral or off-limits for the State; it is sanctified. [Because one is indeed…in due legal form. pg. 103] We are not free, but enslaved to law. [It’s only the — state…being that forces them! pg. 103] You may be familiar with the phrase “Just doing my job,” to this effect. [The revolution was not…against a particular existence. pg. 105] In only disposing a particular existence, the virtuous rules then ruled. [The individual human being…a free bourgeois citizen. pg. 105] The spirit is free, why am I not? I am not yet spirit. [The bourgeoise professes a…as his deepest indignation. pg. 106-107] It is dangerous and despicable to defy bourgeois morals. [The state is a…status of the bourgeoisie. pg. 106] One must not be loyal and obedient to the State. [The workers have the…the State is lost. pg. 110] Sound familiar? A lot of people reach this conclusion.
3.2 Social Liberalism “Socialism/Communism”
I haven’t quite reached this level of cynicism and disdain for communism and socialism, let us see what Stirner has to say on the matter. [No one has any…law alone gives orders. pg. 111] Stirner furthers this prior critique, drawing parallels between political liberalism and social liberalism. [The lovely dream of…was up to now. pg. 117-118] We should concern ourselves with our affair.
3.3 Humane Liberalism “Humanism”
Elevating something higher than the individual; the human being – humane liberalism. [And you don’t notice…your idea of freedom? pg. 120] There is only one freedom, freedom for the human being — Not I. [If he can, he…to then — he can’t. pg. 121] Becoming a human being should not be your affair. [As self-will and property…or egoism in general. pg. 123] The human essence rids the egoist of their ownness. [Work and society are…but as an “egoist.” pg. 125] Work need satisfy the egoist, the individual, not society or the human being. [That in this he…character from his work. pg. 126] Do you seek the truth? [Well then, I reply…as what you are. pg. 128] I am not a human being, I am unique. [There can be nothing…breast of human being. pg. 131] uWu? [I don’t intend to…object, therefore my property. pg. 132-133] The world is mine. [The State, society, humanity…not overcome this devil. pg. 133] The devil here being the egoist, the individual, the inhuman monster — liberals undertake the task of convincing us we don’t want freedom. [An interest, whatever it…but I am its. pg. 136] So I will consume it before it can fix itself and become a fixed idea. [Political liberalism abolished the…God, must be abolished. pg. 136-37] [But since no one can…and raised over us. pg. 137]
3.4 Postscript
[Footnote 163] [But what if the…egoistic as the — unique. pg. 140-141] I am the unique. [But he can only…a criminal against them. pg. 143] Defying the government makes one a criminal. [I consume nothing but…only by consuming it. pg. 144] In assuming only oneself, one is able to “[be] both creator and creature in one”, to “[set] up or [create themself] for the first time.” I am, then, able to always act in my self-interest.
Part 2: “I”
This is my favorite part of the book; Stirner explores power, ownness, associating with others. The arguments he has been building up, against and about freedom, morality, religion, sacred interests, fixed ideas, and so forth, are continued. The overarching idea of this section is, as expected, that one should live life to their own enjoyment – self-interest, egoism.
Section 1: Owners
[Footnote 167] In a word, what makes one unique, their ownness. This section is all about desiring ownness over freedom. [I have no objection…also be an “owner.” pg. 147] [I am free from…waste myself on others. pg. 149] Be selfish, act in your self-interest. [You all want freedom…freedom is not freedom. pg. 151] Be free, but actually. [Even unfree, even in…I am also — present. pg. 154] I have this up in my prison cell. [Ownness works in the…him the desired freedom. pg. 155] You could call me a baby egoist, if you’d like. [I get around a…strength to overthrow them. pg. 157] We have as much freedom as we, the individual, have the power to make our own. [People don’t recognize in…yet through my ownness. pg. 158] [Of what use is…They keep on bleating. pg. 158] Liberal news outlets and their freedom, anyone? “Just vote.” [If the Greeks had…had a long way. pg. 158] Voting, the system, will never grant us freedom. [If I am not…proletarian protect the State? pg. 161] No, honestly. [It is only a…description of — the owner. pg. 161] Ownness.
2.2 The Owner
Here we see the difference between the liberal ideal, the human being, and, through ownness, becoming owner. [I — do I come…my own through liberalism? pg. 161] No. [To put it briefly…and not for me. pg. 163] Regard me as unique. [If the family is…be highest for him. pg. 165] Maintain the sacred, be possessed by the spirit. [Morality is not compatible…attach importance to morality. pg. 167] As we remember, our society has a bourgeois morality. [Therefore, the two of…the association of egoists. pg. 167-168] As I have and — do. [Its continued existence is…and its continued existence. pg. 168] Yeah right. [The human being is…like masculinity or femininity. pg. 170] Or neither. [The human being is…the father of lies. pg. 172] One themself is made — spirit, holy spirit. [My power is my…I am my property. pg. 173] I am my own.
2. I My Power
Stirner playfully talks of right, in all senses. Right is spirit, the right — phantasm. [Whether I am in…other judge than myself. pg. 175] Very different from absolutist morals, a true right. [No, only your power…give it to you. pg. 176] Power and strength exist in many ways — the State’s power, strength, makes it right, [This means nothing else…murder as a “wrong.” pg. 177] The State has the power to, largely, murder with impunity — so it does. [The dispute over property…therefore it is right. pg. 179] Pretty similar, no? Egoistic right, however, lacks a higher essence — it is not given to me, I make it mine. [Since human rights are…”grant,” to each other. pg. 179] [Another would simply ask…what my enemy wants? pg. 181] [But what is right…and so a command. pg. 182] I want my ownness, my power. [States last only so…”Will of the State.” pg. 183] [Whoever has to count…all over for lordship. pg. 183] Stirner invites us to devour our lords, to consume them rather than be servile. [My own will is…incomplete and easily persuaded. pg. 183] I write this in prison, convicted for Rioting. [Even if one were…have become my commander. pg. 183] The collective would rule me. [The State practices “violence,”…is above the State. pg. 184] I, this unique, am superior to the State. [Always the collectivity is…i.e., which is right. pg. 185] [But they want to…like a grouchy papa. pg. 186] [Papa state should allow…presence, like any child. pg. 187] Liberals are babies — they plead daddy for time on the playground and cry if it’s not the right one. [Alongside right goes wrong…you are a criminal! pg. 187] When one can judge, it is two-sided. Thus, powerful — rule. [Everyone should love the…treason worthy of death. pg. 190] God Bless America! [That the soulful person…these people, they prohibit. pg. 190] Do as I say, not as I do. [I establish what the…”penalty of the law.” pg. 191] To act immorally, one is punished by the law. [Only against a sacred…but only an opponent. pg. 191] Yeah. [crimes arise from fixed ideas. pg. 191] [Indeed, society would have…divine nor human right. pg. 192] I am a robber, too. [So people dream that…good and bad citizens. pg. 193] Bad citizen sometimes means little more than that one’s attributes make them — minority. [The last and most…complete — divergence or uniqueness. pg. 195] [What I have without…alone through my power. pg. 196] [I demand no right…with my unalienable rights. pg. 196] I have my ownness. [Authorized or unauthorized — it…powerful and the forceful. pg. 196]
2.2 Intercourse
The late John Moore’s “Lived Poetry: Stirner, Anarchy, Subjectivity, and the Art of Living” touches on this section, the lengthiest in the book, for any seeking further reading. This section is great, I’d rather highlight portions than tackle a traditional summary. [Indeed, if the interest…constitute it remains old. pg. 197] In dealing with the social question, the egoist always comes up short. [Can they be called…of the church, untouched? pg. 198] Am I — possessed? [This must ever be…is not my freedom! pg. 200] I want to be free, not to be deprived of my freedom so others may be free. [One cannot forfeit one’s…right to bear arms. pg. 200] As I have! At least I got some cool photos, threatened some pigs, robbed some stores. [A people cannot be…the most honest thinker. pg. 200] R.I.P. Socrates. [Actually all states, constitutions…tie, i.e., every fetter. pg. 201-202] As I become my own, the State ends — through my escape, I emerge (Austritt) [Everything sacred is a tie, a fetter. pg. 202] [Every people, every state is injurious to the individual. pg. 202] Death to the State. [The downfall of peoples…me to my rise. pg. 203] [That we collectively perform…must not be permitted. pg. 205] Yeah, imagine that. [Now if the egoistic…and evade its laws. pg. 206] Will you fight? [Our societies and states…order against us egoists. pg. 209] [So that it can…useful member of society. pg. 210] [An I that is…imaginary I, a phantasm. pg. 211] The proper I. [All institutions of the…of christianizing the people. pg. 211] [The State behaves as…the former on morality. pg. 211] Moral law tries ever so hard to christianize me. [But I am free in no State. pg. 212] A bit literal, given circumstance. [I am as bad…as in the other. pg. 214] All states are bad. [For me, anyway, the…that I must conquer. pg. 215] Much like the human being. [Anyone in whose head…and remains so forever. pg. 221] [I, this nothing, will…my creations from myself. pg. 221] [What does the party…swear to my flag. pg. 222] As I have, and mind you I have smashed church windows. [The party remains at…game, he takes part. pg. 224] I will laugh in your face. [The State cannot give…and regulations are sacred. pg. 224] If it did, the egoist would no longer be — unholy. [Today’s “nationals” have again…and special blood ties. pg. 230] [I am the owner…welfare of another humanity. pg. 231] I am the unique, the individual, and humanity is my essence. [Therefore, freedom of the…of an inhuman monster. pg. 232] Egoists are locked up. [His life, for example,…is worth to me. pg. 233] The King would, as an example, have little value to me. [The world belongs to…as its property. pg. 234] Since I am God, or the human being. [Property is what is mine. pg. 234] [I don’t shyly step…you can my property! pg. 234] OwO *steps on your counter to rob you* is this my property uWu. [Instead of owning the…which he turns round. pg. 235] The world is mine to relinquish. [Completely leaving aside the…possible only through property. pg. 237] The tree is my property in the same way it is its own unique, and I am its property. [Then pauperism can only…rise in the world. pg. 240] I have to become my own. [My ways must be…stops my mouth. pg. 241] One is supposed to be nothing to the State. [What then is my…power, full power, empowerment. pg. 242] [Egoism has no intention…will get for myself. pg. 242] Freedom, gender confirmation surgery, what else? [The distributive board of…care of all, dictates. pg. 243] Are we all to equally be paupers? [If people reach the…secure his contested property. pg. 244] [What a slave will…chains, one must — await. pg. 246] I await. [Would my egoism be…am capable of appropriating. pg. 249] Am I content with the needs of the human being? No, I want what I can get. [If they are capable…nothing; he could perish. pg. 250] Let us make our rulers perish. [One doesn’t pay with…of our power reaches. pg. 252] [Who’s supposed to give…according to my capability. pg. 252] I will make what is in my reach mine. [You’ll cry out about…doing violence to us. pg. 256] [We slave away twelve…wage of many thousands. pg. 256] Property in the bourgeois sense, is violence — capital, too. [It isn’t possible to…as a human being. pg. 259] [If you no longer…it loses all power. pg. 259] Let money die. [But my property is…is what is mine. pg. 261] My power, myself as unique, are mine. [A dog sees the…as brutal or “egoistic.” pg. 263] And this one is criminal. [In the banker’s wealth…means for doing so. pg. 263] Take what is yours.
[It must therefore become…now, serving a phantasm. pg. 266] The press should be our own, not subservient to right. [In a phrase, the…am not free from. pg. 267] [Not in the State…act of an insurrection. pg. 268] I’m doing decent. [But as a permission…its existence and extension. pg. 269] [I act as a…and using their imprudence. pg. 270] I am being corrected. [But I take it, because it is my property. pg. 271] [No government ever refused…as he is a human being. pg. 271] All? Why not me, you? [Fatherland, society, humanity, etc.,…to be an egoist. pg. 272] I am. [Only one can live…law or the criminal. pg. 274] Well, I am alive…in prison. [I also love human…not torture them. pg. 276] I just love this quote. [You love the human…tormenting of human beings. pg. 277] Love me not my spirit. [My love is my…objective or my property. pg. 279] I could be your property, too. [Do with it what…and I don’t care. pg. 282] I concern myself with my affair. [When the world…at most to myself. pg. 282] [When I spoke those…the lie frighten me. pg. 284] My Will to Deception. [My selfishness has an…will become my property. pg. 291] Less evil than it sounds, perhaps that’s the point? [Society demands that those…its laws allows them. pg. 292] Society demands obedience. [My humility makes its…its power to rule. pg. 292] I will hold my head high as I am denied my freedom. [The day-laborer would truly…wretch loves his master. pg. 296] And to them, I am their property. [And if I can…it is an — association. pg. 297] [If the society is…you consume the association. pg. 298] [Revolution and insurrection should…egoistic intention and action. pg. 301] My insurrection. [The revolution commands one…or raise himself up. pg. 301] [The insurrectionist strives to become constitution less. pg. 301] [Now, as happened with…insurrection isn’t accomplished first! pg. 303] Will we advance past this christian order? [My intercourse with the…to my self-enjoyment. pg. 304] I enjoyed writing this, and making my friends, in essence, read the spiritbook.
2.3 My Self-Enjoyment
The title aptly surmises it. [One who is worried…the enjoyment of life. pg. 305] Enjoy life — I am not afraid to die. [It’s something else altogether to live in — enjoyment. pg. 306] [Anyone who has to…but “blessed are the poor,” pg. 306] [However and whoever I…the true human being. pg. 312] I have slain the spirit. [But one frees a…to a fixed standpoint. pg. 318] Free them from all spirits. [An object raised above…thoughts toward the essence. pg. 318] Concern yourself with the spirit, no? [The degree of my…extent of my ownness. pg. 318-319] Where would I stand? [Everyone has a relationship…but a plaything, etc. pg. 319-320] Even a child can devour a spirit, until they are commanded to hold it as sacred. [Anyone who passes the…humanity would judge — criminally. pg. 320] The Bible is an error. [For that matter, how…so-called lack of restraint. pg. 328] The State will always encroach on your freedom, it is always to its benefit. [What would be gained…this freedom be mine? pg. 329] I am only free when I answer only to myself, when I do not ask for authorization. [If there is even…to be such truths. pg. 332] Respect for our fellow humans? Respect me. [The critic, when he…it precisely that “good.” pg. 334] Many critics take many fixed ideas, money as example, as truth. [Whether what I think…all the same to me. pg. 340] It is — my will. [Their sin is imaginary. pg. 343] [There is no sinner and no sinful egoism! pg. 343] [Well, if I no longer…all that is yours. pg. 344] [Therefore my needs are…sense of the — unique. pg. 344] You are yours, it is your power.
Chapter 3: The Unique
This chapter is 5 pages, a conclusion in some ways. Read it if you want, if you’ve read my selections it should largely make sense. [The christian world is…keep something back unmaterialized (unrealizable). pg. 346] The Holy Spirit. [The ideal “human being”…I have based my affair on nothing. pg. 349] A beautiful ending. <3
Foreword: Stirner radically changed my life, furthered by my study of Friedrich Nietzsche in solitary confinement. I am happy Mongoose bought me this book in here. I do recommend “Stirner’s critics,” it is concise, and Stirner talks of this very book…he is a marvelous writer. I greatly appreciate any mail about the book, Max Stirner, this publication, or just in general. I am interested in furthering my friends’ understanding of this book, however I can, and this will likely not be the last of my writings.
For Marxists, Liberals, and Other Dogs Booklet